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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Successful Open House!

I'm a sucker when it comes to "grand opening events". Balloons and searchlights are about all takes for me stop and take a look at what is going on. The success of our open house/grand opening event, tells me that I'm not the only one! I was certainly concerned that it might be a bit of a bust. I mean, a grand opening event for a new grocery store is one thing (hey maybe free donuts... or even some... bacon), but a dental office is another (uh...free root canals?). To some people it may as well be free tours of a maximum security prison (hey kids!, do you wanna see what it feels like to sit in a real electric chair -- yippee!). But sure enough, the people showed up and stopped by, and looked around. Thanks to all our patients, friends and family and business supporters! It really was a great success. the energy of the event was great, and best of all we were able to meet many people who were interested in seeing us as patients! Maybe the free pizza had something to do with it!

We are looking forward to making this a bit of a tradition-- a anniversary / patient appreciation event next year. We will keep you informed!


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