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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Benjamin's a Bike'n

"I'm a bike rider Now!" Benjamin says today. Ben has been on a week long 'high' since he finally learned to ride his bicycle. He wanted to let everyone know about how excited he is to ride his bike. So I asked him a few questions.

SG: What do you like about riding your bike?
BEN: I love riding on two wheels. I like turning the bike. I like playing with my friends on the bicycle.

SG: How far have you ridden you bike?
BEN: Around the block, oh and also I went all the way down the street to my friend Tyler's house--and Anthony's house too.

DAD: Was it hard to learn to ride the bicycle?

DAD: What was hard about learning to ride?
BEN: Getting my foot on the petal was hard. Turning wasn't very hard though. But stopping was easy because all I had to do was turn the petal backwards. When I went around the block, I did get mixed up and went forward when I wanted to go backwards and stop. Sometimes I use bushes to stop.

DAD: Who taught you how to ride the bike?
BEN: My grandpa Dennis did. He told me to "look down the street" It was way easier to do. He told me to put my foot on the petal too.

DAD: What kind of bike do you have?
BEN: It's called the WIPEOUT! It is blue, red and white. I like my bicycle!

It has been really great see Ben shave so much fun with his bike. He runs home from school and the first thing he does is jump on his bike and ride around the street. Thanks Grandpa this week for taking time to teach him--he will remember that for a long time. We have a family bike trip planned as soon as Dad gets his flat tire fixed!

Enjoy the pics!


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